Course Packets
The Campus Store offers a variety of course material services to help you customize your course instruction to optimize content and manage costs.
Popular Services Include:
- Copyright Clearance
- Royalty collection and accounting
- Variety of printing options
- Variety of finishing/bindery options
- Distribution through the Campus Store
- Distribution via in-class sales
- 24-hour rainchecks
- Easy re-orders for subsequent semesters
- Ability to provide content digitally via the Instant Access Program
Contact Kim Kilpatrick to get started or for reorders call 801-581-3158.
How are course materials distributed to students?
Students may purchase their custom course packet in person at the Campus Store or online through the Campus Store website where they can ship directly to their home.
How do I re-order course materials used in a previous semester?
Simply send the previous course name, number and semester to Kim Kilpatrick; we’ll take care of the rest.
Do I have to apply for copyright clearance every semester, even if I obtained permission last semester?
Yes. Copyright clearance must be received for each printing. Not following this rule is in violation of the law and you may be prosecuted for doing so. However, receiving copyright clearance on material used previously requires less time than copyright clearance on new material.
Is my department responsible for making payments to the copyright clearance center?
No additional charges will be billed to your department. We will handle all of the copyright clearance paperwork.
Copyright Guidelines
The Campus Store and University Print & Mail Services are committed to complying with all applicable laws regarding copyrights. Permission is needed to duplicate copyrighted materials within course packets. Course packets are not covered under the Fair Use guidelines.
University Print & Mail Services obtains the appropriate copyright clearances, identifies related copyright costs and prints the course packet. Clearances are obtained for one time use only and therefore must be requested each semester.
Previous requests for copyright may be duplicated by calling a Campus Store Representative or University Print & Mail Services with the course name, number, and semester.
Despite the fact that many publishers respond within a few days, we recommend submitting your requests along with your textbook requisitions by the deadline each semester. Turnaround time for custom publishing is approximately 3 weeks.
Required Information for Articles
Includes Web articles
- Most recent publication date of the book
- Publisher
- Title of book/journal and chapter/article
- Author(s)
- Exact page numbers
- ISBN or standard number